We’re on a mission

To equip people with the tools and solutions needed to deliver cleaner, healthier environments to everyone, everywhere.


At the start of 2020

We watched the news stories coming out of Wuhan, looking at images of buses bathed in UV-C violet light to sterilize them overnight for the following days passenger safety. We were intrigued and totally engaged. For the next 2 years we changed our focus; researching, learning, joining UV forums and industry associations, investigating, testing UV-C solutions, talking and meeting with UV technology developers and manufacturers in the US, Japan, China, UK and Europe.

It is 100% clear, the world needs multiple levels of protection, prevention and cures for current and future pathogen based threats

To ensure the pandemic and all mutations are brought under control and we are prepared for the future!

We need a “future proof” plan for the next waves of viruses and mutations. We became directly involved with several UV travel products and sterilisation devices. We brainstormed how this technology can benefit people and businesses ensuring the world doesn't have to ever shut down again due to pathogen based threats.

Across the world people and businesses are embracing a revolution!

We are taking a technology that is over 100 years old….

And updating it for the new age and the new challenge - human health, world stability, world economics and global awareness of “basic cleanliness” (sanitisation).

Our stated goal is to prevent a repeat of the lockdowns and shutdowns of people’s lives and livelihoods that we witnessed in 2020 and again in 2021, 2022, 2023 and even as we go into 2024. We are also now looking at how we can use Far-UVC to combat Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) that has gone from a seasonal issue to a year-round problem in the UK and worldwide to help save the poultry industry (and potentially next Christmas).

Human Sun Light is an ongoing “project” and it is growing to overcome these challenges and bring together new versions of this tried and tested Ultraviolet light from the sun - only a custom man-made version (UV-C) and a human-safe version (Far-UVC). Both provide automatic cleansing (sanitising) of indoor environments without the need for ongoing human intervention.

 Our Founder

Robert Emms is the Founder and CEO of Human Sun Light. The company was born in 2020 as part of a critical need to help aid in the original pandemic crisis and the unfolding crises of pathogen based threats to human health.

Our mission and goal, is to utilise the power of UV and technology to neutralise pathogens, creating a cleaner and safer environment for humans and more recently livestock and poultry.

Human Sun Light is focused on developing and deploying "always on" UV light technology that protects everyone in every indoor space from all pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus and moulds). This includes Influenza (flu) and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Both are contagious respiratory illnesses, both caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus first identified in 2019, and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. COVID-19 spreads more easily than flu and the common cold. All our work focuses on the active PREVENTION of Respiratory Virus.

Get in touch

For general queries about our business or products, sales - including partnership opportunities please get in contact. We’d love to hear from you.